The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
These treatments are performed morning and/or evening, so that the action is efficient throughout the day. This care protocol is implemented systematically for 7 days.
You have nothing to do, as long as the requested items have reached me.
3 days are enough for skin burns of small areas and/or of low importance, such as sunburn. These treatments relieve pain and help in the early stages of healing.
7 days are necessary for deep burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree of medium importance.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Learn more
Treatment performedmorning and/or eveningso that the action is efficient ona day.
ONCO - Support for radiotherapy and chemotherapy
VS'is a particular care, in addition to the hospital therapies: they are indicated for very serious burns covering large surfaces and/or organs or sensitive areas. Special care is to be defined on a case-by-case basis. Very often, it is carried out a soinmorning and/or evening and 3 to 5 times a week.
Find your calm, your energy, your vitality after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, I offer you a series of remote sessions.
CHRONIK- Remote care
Treatment carried out morning or evening so that the action is efficient over the day and a follow-up over 7 days (= 3 sessions)
This treatment is particularly indicated whenskin diseases(eczema, molluscum, psoriasis, acne...), or respiratory conditions (asthma, allergic rhinitis...) _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
ENERGETIC+ Energy rebalancing / Remote care
Care performed remotely in one go.
Control on D3
Personal dowsing study= Complete energy balance
Study carried outfrom a distanceusing the pendulum and different dowsing biometers.ONLY remotely.
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Bilan "7 chakras" _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
You will find in this report: Your Vitality Rate, Vibratory rate, Energy rate of your 7 main chakras, the balance of each of your 7 chakras (blocked or too open), the stone useful for the balance of each of your 7 chakras.ONLY remotely.
Bilan énergétique _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
You will find in this report: Your Vitality Rate, Vibration Rate, Positivity rate, Value of your Anchor, Rate of negative energies in your various subtle bodies, Rate of harmfulness (presence of entities).ONLY remotely.

A reading allows access to the memory of your soul, to all your incarnations. It allows you to answer your questions about your present, about your life path.
It's opening a book in which you are an actor and responsible for your story, your life path.
A reading of past lives can transform your gaze, can upset both by the information transmitted and by the emotions,
A reading is an intimate encounter with yourself.ONLY ASSISTANCE

The human body has an energy field. It is called "morphic field". It's a kind of quantum aura.
Quantum and energy therapies start from the principle that a psychosomatic blockage or an illness has its roots in an original traumatic event, which has been recorded in our cells up to our various energy bodies.
Through its protocol, this therapy makes it possible to address to the particles of the recipient cells, the information structures which correct the erroneous code by re-information of the particles which constitute them.
This brings the body back to its point of equilibrium, thus restoring the body-soul-spirit unity.
During this angelic treatment, I channel with my pendulum, the energy of high vibrations of the Angels and Archangels to remove blockages, cleanse and purify your energy centers, release erroneous programs, request the reduction of pain or the improvement of a situation for example.
L’hypnose spirituelle régressive est un moyen de développement personnel holistique et intéressant dans la mesure où elle vous permet d’aller revivre une ou plusieurs de vos vies antérieures, afin de non seulement comprendre les raisons de certaines problématiques que vous vivez actuellement, mais également et si cela est nécessaire, de récupérer des ressources que vous aviez dans ces vies-là afin de mieux traiter ces mêmes problématiques actuelles et de discuter avec votre guide spirituel pour avoir des réponses à toutes vos questions d’ordre existentiel...
This remote care has the same efficiency and quality as in-office care.
Several possibilities !
From a distanceby phone or video: more info
Duration :
30 mins:30 €
1 hour:45 €
From a distanceby post/e-mail:
After having sent me the essential elements requested (first name, date of birth...), I perform the treatment once or twice a day.
Ratefor 2 Distance treatments
50€/Adult - 40€/Child
PackageCHRONIK / week
Adult: €55
Child: 50€
Special rates for long pathologies (radiotherapy, chemo, etc.),Contact me.
Dowsing assessment:
Personal study: €75
Assessment 7 chakras: 20€
Energy balance: 20€
Choisir RUBRIQUE :
Soins A Distance

Remote support
You send me a recent photo by e-mail, SMS or by post.I need the photo of the person where the eyes are visible very clearly. The person must also be alone in the photo.Do not send me photos that you value, because they will be burned after work;
For adults, the photo may be several years old, although it is preferable to have a recent photo. For children, the photo must be recent;
Mention your first and last name, date of birth, mobile phone (and landline if possible) and also your specific problem or request.
Make the payment.
I will contact you after receiving the photo and the payment to set the date of the first session.
Depending on the care requested, once a week or after 10 to 15 days maximum, you will have to give me news, keep me informed of the evolution, good or bad, because there can be what is called “the salutary crisis”. Thanks to these precisions, I will be able to act more easily;
Depending on the care requested, beyond 15 days, without any news, I will stop the work and resume it as soon as I have received news from you. However, after 3 months without any news, the document(s) will be destroyed and I will not resume my service.
For simple cases:sprains, temporary sadness, recent digestive problems, any pain or other recent problems.
For recurrent, old or follow-up cancer treatment cases,pudendal nerve, herniated disc, ulcer, nerve, migraine, etc.
You can get an individual and personalized remote consultation, contact me. I will contact you as soon as possible for the terms
For treatments performed remotely,no work will be provided until I have received payment. This firm and final decision isdue to unscrupulous peoplewho have only too muchtook advantage of my indulgence. Thank you for your understanding.
As soon as payment is received, I will send you an email or SMS to let you know the date and time of the session. You will have nothing special to do during the session.
If you wish, within 48 hours of the session, I will send you a new message to give you a report of the session and my feelings.

Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE
The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...
Recourse to the care of a holistic therapist should not, under any circumstances, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if an improvement is observed during or after the accompaniment. As such, I am declared and respect a certain code of ethics: I respect professional secrecy.
I do not formulate a diagnosis, do not interrupt any treatment and do not oppose any surgical operation.
I am and I remain a free electron, I do not belong to any religious or sectarian movement.
I respect everyone's traditions and beliefs. Notify me in advance of any medical contraindications.
Many expect the practice of magnetism as the saviour! The magnetizer is not WIZARD. Magnetism is an aid, an accompaniment, a sharing and a rebalancing of energy, so that its clients can accomplish themselves. Success depends above all on you.
A holistic therapist is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist
Magnetism is only a complement to traditional medicine and should in no way replace it. The client must consult his doctor and follow his medical treatment.
No obligation of result, but we are committed to doing our best to help you.
No credit, and no refunds will be given. The client is responsible for his decision to contact me and accepts the warnings andthe general conditions.