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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Knowing about your past lives allows you to better live your current life. And thus be able to free oneself from all karmic blockages.


Whether out of curiosity, because you dreamed about them, because you remember them, because you are looking for how they affect you in your present, reading past lives is fascinating and will allow you to learn a lot about you. Sometimes worldly, occasionally extraordinary, who were you in your old life?

What is it about ?

​ The journey of each soul is inscribed in a universal energy field, which corresponds to the Akasha in Eastern countries. This vibratory space contains "the archives" of all our lives, the memories of the universe. Everyone has, what can be called a Book of Lives.

You can imagine this memorial space as a huge library.

The reading of a past life  is a consultation of your personal archives,

What is the point of reading past lives?

This connection to the memories of your past lives allows me to bring you elements of understanding concerning your current incarnation.
By shedding light on your more or less distant past, learn the "Why" of the "How" of some of your blockages or repetitive patterns and give additional meaning to your life, here and now.


​​Warning, when engaging in this kind of process, it is important to be prepared to be able to hear everything because some elements may contain information that is difficult to understand. receive.

A reading of past lives is not entertainment!

This consultation must be carried out within the framework of work on oneself and be motivated by the deep desire to begin a process of liberation from one's soul wounds and from one's karmic or transgenerational knots.

What is a Reading  of past lives for?

A reading  provides access to past life experiences that have a significant impact on present life, that you wanted to raise (phobia, fear, malaise, blockage, addiction, illness, relationship, ...).

During an incarnation, the experiences are multiple: you may have experienced significant psychological or physical trauma, which leaves significant sequelae. Like everyone else, you have developed attitudes, thought patterns to adapt to your environment.


When we reincarnate, we forget the experience of past lives at the conscious level. Nevertheless, unconscious memories influence us in our choices, our behaviors, in connection with these previous experiences.

If, for example, in a past life you died in a fire, today you may have a phobic fear of fire, without anything in the  present life being able to explain it. By reading past lives, you will not only understand the reason for this fear, but you will also receive energies that will neutralize these memories. Thus the fear disappears, you find your serenity.

You can request a "Past Lives Reading" to help solve a recurring problem, whatever the nature

(relational, professional, emotional, physical, material etc...).


By understanding the why of the previous experience, life takes on new meaning. A feeling of peace sets in, life is transformed. The memories  put into  light during the session are released and transmuted, they become inactive. You also learn to know yourself better, to understand your journey, to rediscover your potential. Everything is still there, available, lifting the veil of oblivion, you deepen the connection with your soul and its purpose.

You can also request a reading of lives to know lives where you have been happy, ask to know the talents, the gifts, the skills that you have developed. When you become aware of your forgotten riches, your self-esteem grows, you gain more and more self-confidence.

After your reading of past lives...

If necessary, I will suggest that you continue the process started with the programming of a treatmentRelease of memories

Who intervenes?

The light guides of this vibratory space (Akashic Records) reveal through the reader, your past memories. They alone choose what is shown and explained to you, according to your needs and your capacity. At the same time, the energies of liberation  work  always for the best of your development.

You are in a space of unconditional love.


They will never tell you what to do. You still have your free will, and several potential futures depending on the paths you take. They do not predict the future.

  • Understand the origin of your repetition scenarios, your crystallized emotions, your soul wounds, unexplained blockages or lacks in your existence, as well as the meaning of your sentimental and family relationships, your strengths and weaknesses , or your failures

  • Undo all kinds of invisible knots

  • Know the common thread of your evolution, the reasons for what excites you or revolts you.

What You May Receive in Reading


  • Some details about the physique of your past life (gender, skin color, hair color, etc.),

  • A challenge / an event that will have marked your soul,

  • If you had significant family/relationships,

  • How this life affects your present,

  • Some details that struck me during this reading,

  • People in this past life who are still by your side in your present...


This job is right for you if:

  • You are curious and have an interest in past lives,

  • You want to understand one or more behaviors of your current life which will be due to traumas of your former lives,

  • You think you have memories and want to make sure of them.



Take notethat some things will not be accessible to me, but I will give you as many details as possible about what I will be allowed to see.

Access to these past lives does not depend on my will,   it is restricted to what you need to know and understand. I am allowed to see what is important to you, here and now.


I write down everything I see and feel and receive this reading for a whole day. This is why it is done remotely and not face-to-face.

After reading...

You will keep me informed of the changes and realizations that will emerge as a result of this work, and if you wish to begin a work of cleaning and deprogramming to free yourself from certain blockages.


Let time pass if necessary and, if despite your will and your awareness, you still feel blocked or in pain, we will consider a karmic cleansing.


A reading of past lives is not insignificant, expect to see old buried emotions resurface, some people feel a lot of sadness when reading this work, a lot of tears are shed, but the feeling that always comes back following this reading is relief, the feeling of being freed from a weight, that's the goal.


We are not victims of our Karma, nor prisoners, we are learning, and karmic memories can be healed, appeased, even eliminated, to allow us to move forward lighter. 


But never forget that what matters above all is to move forward in conscience, to understand to move forward, to understand to evolve, to understand to forgive....

What happens during a session ?



By email or SMS, I ask you to send me a recent photo of you (your face and especially your clearly visible eyes) with your first name, last name and date of birth.


Once the payment is received, I start working.


The session


In order to enter into total immersion in the heart of your past lives, I always carry out a deep meditation before your session, followed by a time when I write, structure and make my perceptions understandable.



Then, I send you the information obtained as well as additional elements perceived.With gentleness and compassion, without interpretation or judgment.

You will take the time to read it well and note any feelings and emotions that may arise while reading your text.

Sometimes reading can unlock things, but if you feel you need to better understand and analyze that reading then I suggest an analysis consultation onthe links, the positive and limiting influences of each of these elements in your daily life.



​​​ Indicative price:


Reading: €90/session

Analysis: 40€/session



This service takes a lot of time and energy because I would use pendulum and various maps as well as my own "gifts" to have the maximum information that will be accessible to me.

Choisir RUBRIQUE :

Soins Thématiques




​ Other info on the BLOG:

"Know Your Past Lives"




Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE


The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...


Recourse to the care of a holistic therapist should not, under any circumstances, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if an improvement is observed during or after the accompaniment. As such, I am declared and respect a certain code of ethics: I respect professional secrecy.

I do not formulate a diagnosis, do not interrupt any treatment and do not oppose any surgical operation.

I am and I remain a free electron, I do not belong to any religious or sectarian movement.

I respect everyone's traditions and beliefs. Notify me in advance of any medical contraindications.


Many are waiting for the practice of magnetism like le Saviour !  This energy work isanything but magicIt is a help, an accompaniment, a sharing and a rebalancing of energy, so that its customers can accomplish themselves.Success depends above all on YOU.You must be an actor of your well-being.


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A holistic therapist is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist

​ Magnetism is only a complement to traditional medicine and should in no way replace it. ​ The client must consult his doctor and follow his medical treatment.


No obligation of result, but we   are committed to doing our best to help you.

No credit, and no refunds will be given. The client is responsible for his decision to contact me and accepts the warnings andthe general conditions.


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