The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The companyMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIERspecializes in the well-being sector, in particular in the supply:
- energy care services using in particular magnetism, lithotherapy, dowsing, aromatherapy as well as
- training services in well-being, alternative therapies (magnetism, energy, dowsing, lithotherapy, etc.) and support for personal development and spiritual guidance,
- an online store selling stones and minerals (raw stones, rolled stones, bracelets, pendants, etc.), dowsing pendulums, magnetized supports.
These General Conditions of Use (CGU) are concluded and apply automatically, without restriction or reservation:
between the manager of the website, hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher",
and anyone wishing to access the site and its services, hereinafter called "the User",
for any purchase of products or services provided byMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIER.
These General Conditions of Use are intended to provide a legal framework for the use of the site.Moonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIERand its services.
The website www.catherinevivier.com is a service of:
the company Catherine VIVIER - Cabinet Pierre de Lune,
located 11, la rodrie 86210 VOUNEUIL SUR VIENNE
URL address of the site www.catherinevivier.com
telephone number
The General Conditions of Use must be accepted by any User or simple visitor, and his access to the site constitutes acceptance of these conditions.
These General Conditions of Use are concluded for an indefinite period. The contract takes effect with regard to the User from the start of the use of the service.
The Catherine VIVIER - Cabinet Pierre de Lune website reserves the right to modify the clauses or supplement these General Conditions of Use at any time and without justification.
Users are therefore invited to consult them regularly.
Any User with internet access can access the site for free and from anywhereMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIER.The costs incurred by the user to access it (internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are not the responsibility of the Publisher.
The site and its various services may be interrupted or suspended by the Publisher, in particular during maintenance, without obligation of notice or justification.
The user of the site has access to the following services:
various treatments and accompaniments,
training and workshops,
Online Store,
online booking.
The site includes a member area reserved for registered users. These users will be able to y access using their login ID.
The services reserved for members are: training, ordering, reservation, blog commentary
The websitewww.catherinevivier.com is the property ofCatherine VIVIERin its entirety, as well as all the rights relating thereto. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is systematically subject to the authorization of the owner. However, links of the hypertext type to the site are authorized without specific requests.
The Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation, preventing access to the site or to one of its functionalities.
The site connection equipment used is the sole responsibility of the User, who must take all appropriate measures to protect the equipment and data, in particular from viral attack via the Internet. The user is also solely responsible for the sites and data he consults.
The Publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of legal proceedings against the User, third parties and/or the user's equipment as a result of his connection or his use of the site and the User waives any action against the Publisher as a result.
If the Publisher were to be the subject of an amicable or legal procedure due to the use of the site by the User, he may return against him to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, convictions and costs that could arise from this procedure.
" Customer "designates the Consumer or the User having passed service of a service sold on the Website
"General Conditions of Sale and Use"or "CGV/CGU" refer to these general conditions of use and online sale.
"Consumer"refers to the buyer who is a natural person who does not act for professional needs and/or outside his professional activity
" Service provider "designates the buyer who is a legal or natural person acting within the framework of his professional activity
" Reservation "refers to any request made by the User registered on this Site and its rules.
" Services "means the intangible things that can be the subject of a service and which are offered for sale on this Site" Site "means this Site, i.e. https://www.catherinevivier.com
" Company "means the owner of the company and the site.
" User "means any person who uses the Site.
The websitewww.catherinevivier.comaims to provide information on all of the activities ofMoonstone Cabinet.
Catherine VIVIERstrives to provide on the sitewww.catherinevivier.com information as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether by itself or by the third party partners who provide it with this information.
All the information indicated on the site www.catherinevivier.comare given for information only, and are subject to change. Furthermore, the information on the site www.catherinevivier.com is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they were put online.
The purpose of this document is to define the terms and conditions (hereinafter "General Conditions of Use" or "CGU") under which the companyMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIER, provides users with the ability to browse and use the Site.
Browsing and using the Site implies full, complete and unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs.
The Company reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time and to inform Users thereof by any means. These modifications come into force as soon as they are posted on the Site. The User is invited to inform himself about such modifications.
Before any use of the Site, the User must ensure that he has the technical and computer means allowing him to navigate and use the Site and that his browser allows secure access to the Site. He must also ensure that the computer configuration of his hardware/equipment is in good working order and does not contain viruses.
The Company reserves the right to edit, revise, delete, validate or change, in whole or in part, any content (“Content”) appearing on or displayed on the Site.
The Company may delete, change or modify the Site and/or the Content at any time and without notice.
The User undertakes to respect the terms of these T&Cs.
By browsing the Site, Users agree:
To refrain from using the Site illegally, for any illegal purpose or in a manner incompatible with these T&Cs;
Not to use the Site for the distribution, hosting, processing, propagation, storage or management of abusive, defamatory, harassing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or threatening materials, and/or any false or misleading materials , or infringing on the privacy of others;
Not to sell, copy, reproduce, rent, lend, distribute, transfer or grant sublicenses on all or part of the elements, information and Content appearing on the Site and/or allow any third party to use or have access the Site for any purpose or to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, display in user-readable form, attempt to discover any source code or use any software enabling or comprising all or part of the Site;
To respect other Users;
Not to harass in any way another or several other Users;
Not to collect and store personal data relating to other Users, for any purpose;
Not to disseminate content that could constitute incitement to the commission of crimes or offences; provoking discrimination, racial hatred, and more generally which could be contrary to the laws and regulations in force, to these rules of use and to good morals;
Not to disseminate information of an ideological, religious, political or ethnic claim nature;
Not to disseminate content likely to endanger minors, in particular the dissemination of violent or pornographic messages;
Not to attempt to mislead other Users by usurping the name or company name of other people;
Not to display, transmit by email or in any other way any element violating any patent, registered trademark, trade secret, intellectual property right or any other property right belonging to others;
Not to post, transmit by email or otherwise any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material (including engaging in "spam", or any other form of solicitation);
Not to use the Site for abusive purposes by deliberately introducing viruses or any other malicious program and attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Site;
Not to denigrate the Site and/or the Company and/or other Users on social networks or any other means of communication.
If, for legitimate reasons, the Company considers that the Users do not comply with these T&Cs, it may at any time, and at its sole discretion, remove their access to the Site and take all measures including any legal action against them.
Each User agrees that all information, including that concerning him, that he provides is adequate, accurate, up-to-date and complete. To do this, he undertakes to update them regularly.
The User acknowledges that the Company does not have the material means to verify the veracity of all the information present on the Site. The Company cannot therefore be held liable in the event of identity theft, or the fact that the information mentioned is false or misleading.
The Company also does not guarantee the timeliness, legality, probity or quality of the information transmitted by Users.
The Company cannot under any circumstances be held liable for the content that Users communicate and put online, in particular for their illegal nature with regard to the regulations in force, for errors or omissions, for any loss or damage resulting from their use, transmission by internal messaging or in any other way via the Site.
The provisions concerning the protection of personal data as resulting from the Data Protection Act dated January 6, 1978 as amended and the European Regulation on the protection of personal data ("GDPR") as well as the provisions relating to cookies are located in an appended document entitled “Privacy Policy” accessible online
The use of the contact form leads to the collection of personal and nominative data. The information voluntarily communicated by Internet users and obtained by this site will remain confidential, will not be transferred or made accessible to third parties.
In accordance with the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you, to be exercised on simple request (by mail or e-mail).
By accessing this Site, Users expressly acknowledge that the Site and the Content made available to Users in particular, images, photographs, design, graphics, drawings, models, layouts, logos, brands, texts, etc. are the exclusive property of the Company and are protected by the French intellectual property code as well as by applicable international treaties and agreements relating to the protection of intellectual property rights. As such, they may not be used and reproduced without the express authorization of the Company under penalty of legal proceedings.
The Company is the sole owner of all rights, titles and interests relating to the Site and the Content, including all intellectual property rights including, in particular, all rights relating to copyrights, rights to designs and models, trademarks, signs , trade names, corporate name, domain names, technology, know-how, processes, formulas, source codes and executable codes, data and similar rights, including information relating to any application, registration or renewal thereof which may be protected by the intellectual property laws, regulations or rules of any country.
The Company grants a non-exclusive license to Users in order to be able to use the Site and the Content within the strict framework of these T&Cs. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, exploitation, distribution, dissemination, commercial use, translation, arrangement, transformation or any creation of derivative or composite works of all or part of the works and/or any other Content appearing on the Site is expressly prohibited. on any medium whatsoever and by any process whatsoever, current or future. These acts are likely to constitute acts of counterfeiting penalized and civilly sanctioned, engaging the responsibility of their author.
The systematic and repeated extraction of information and Content appearing on the Site is strictly prohibited and sanctioned under intellectual property law and the sui generis right of databases. Any illicit extraction may engage the civil and criminal liability of its author.
The liability of the Company is limited to direct damages only. The Company cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for consequential damages as defined by the case law of the French courts.
The Company also declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party, beyond its control, resulting in a modification or alteration of the information/Content appearing on the Site or having prejudiced any User of this Site. ; and more generally for any damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by reason of anyone's access to the Site or the impossibility of accessing it.
In addition, the methods/advice/services offered on the Site are considered as a supplement which cannot in any way replace consultation with a doctor or even appropriate medical treatment. Magnetism is in no way a substitute for medical treatment. The User is invited never to interrupt a medical treatment without the advice of a attending physician and in the event of a health problem, it is imperative to consult his attending physician in order to have a diagnosis made and to carry out medical examinations. advised.
Finally, the Company can in no way be held responsible for problems or technical failures related to telephone networks, online computer systems, servers, Internet providers, computer equipment and/or software of Users.
The hypertext links established on the Site to other websites or other Internet sources or content (the "External Sources"), cannot engage the responsibility of the Company.
Insofar as the Company cannot control these External Sources, the User acknowledges that the Company cannot be held responsible for the provision of these External Sources, and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from such External Sources.
The Company can also in no way be held responsible for hypertext links that could direct Users to the Site. Any use or implementation of such a hypertext link without its authorization is prohibited and is likely to engage the responsibility of its author.
In addition, Users acknowledge that the Company cannot be held liable for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use or the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available. on these sites or External Sources by Users.
The Company strives to ensure compliance with the principles set out above. Given the extent of the exchanges carried out on the Site, the risk of their violation cannot be ruled out.
If the User witnesses non-compliance with the commitments referred to above, please inform the Company by email at the following address:catherinevivier.magnetiseur@gmail.com. The Company will act with respect for the anonymity of the User.
"Catherine VIVIER» and all other trademarks, logos, names of products or services of the Company are trademarks protected by French intellectual property law. Unless expressly authorized in writing by the Company, the User undertakes not to use or distribute the Trademarks in any way whatsoever.Moonstone cabinet.
These Terms are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law, without taking into account the principles of conflict of laws.
In the event of a dispute likely to arise during the interpretation and/or execution of these Terms or in relation to these T&Cs, the User may decide to submit the dispute with the Company to a conventional mediation procedure. or any other alternative dispute resolution method. The User may in particular contact the mediator of the French Republic.
The User is informed that:
so that the dispute can be examined by the mediator, the User must justify that he has made a written complaint to the Company or its customer service and must keep written proof of the steps taken;
the request must be well-founded and legitimate
4. The User may contact the mediator within a maximum period of one year following his written complaint to the Company.
5.Finally, in the event of failure of this mediation procedure or if the User wishes to take legal action, the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure apply. will apply.
The Company can be contacted, at any time, by email at the following email address: catherinevivier.magnetiseur@gmail.com or by phone at the following number +33 (0)678952991