The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Aura Energy Healing
Auric healing repairs the general structure of your aura while allowing a much better circulation of your vital energy. It focuses as much on your emotional, mental and physical subtle bodies and strives to repair energy leaks, small blockages and traumas that can generate disturbances and dysfunctions in your different chakras. It is a complete and deep treatment whose effects are gradually distilled in the weeks following the session.
Depending on your situation or your blockages expressed and felt in your subtle bodies, I send you the messages of your soul and your guides concerning your soul journey, your life mission, your karma of evolution, as well as the work tracks allowing you to reconnect with your ancestral know-how and know-how.

What is the aura?
The aura is the energetic envelope that surrounds our physical body. It is made up of different bodies, of which here are the main ones studied in auric care:
Etheric body: Located a few cm from the physical body, it acts as an energetic rampart,
Astral body: Body seat of affect and emotions. He registers the impressions of the moment and reacts to them with instinctive responses,
Mental body: Body of our thoughts. He holds mental memory and the mastery of peace,
Causal body: Body of the soul. It holds all of our history. It is also called karmic body because it organizes the great events of our life.
These different bodies are related to the 7 main chakras:
Root chakra (1st chakra),
Sacral chakra (2nd chakra),
Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra),
Heart chakra (4th chakra),
Throat chakra (5th chakra),
3rd eye chakra (6th chakra),
Crown chakra (7th chakra).
An aura will vary in size, color and texture depending on each individual.
Indeed, it depends on our state of health and our emotional state which can create dysfunctions of the chakras or an alteration of the aura.
What is Auric Healing?
Auric care consists in rectifying the dysfunctions of the chakras or the alterations of the aura, in order to harmonize the different layers of the aura.
The main deficiencies observed on the chakras are:
An empty chakra,
An excess chakra,
A blocked (or stagnant) chakra.
The treatment will make it possible to rebalance these chakras using a pendulum or the hands of the therapist in order to relieve or prevent physical, psychological or emotional difficulties.
The main alterations of the aura are:
aura shifts,
Leaks in the aura,
Aura interference.
The treatment will make it possible to repair these alterations using a pendulum, stones or the hands of the therapist, in order to relieve or prevent physical, psychological or emotional difficulties.
The harmonization of the aura allows to:
Realign the aura to the physical body,
Rebalance the entire energy system,
Release memories and blockages (brakes in the evolution of our life).
This powerful treatment restores the energy flow of the body, sometimes interrupted in the event of serious illness or deep trauma.
It acts on the subtle bodies that surround our physical body to release blockages, fears and emotions accumulated over time as a result of painful circumstances in our existence.
Thus we will be able to mourn past people or situations by healing the wounded parts of our Soul. This treatment releases obstacles placed in our energy structure and reinforces the natural power of Healing of the Being as a whole.
During the transmission, you receive the Energy that will perfectly correspond to your needs in order to activate the Purification of the Chakras and allow the elevation of the vibratory plane to harmonize the Auric fields.
A realignment on all levels, both physical and emotional and energetic is necessary to access the unification of our subtle and spiritual bodies. Our Healing goes through the connection and the recognition of our personality to our deeper Self.
Thus, listening to our Soul, we will then be able to realize our desires, our aspirations, fully perceiving the purpose of our life. By embodying our true nature, joy, serenity and deep peace will be there.

La lithothérapie est associée
à ce soin.
J'utilise des pierres et minéraux en relation avec votre problématique
What happens during a session ?
An auric care session lasts approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
It begins with a preliminary interview to take stock of the needs (pain, emotions and sensations).
After the interview:
The consultant sits comfortably on the massage table,
I begin by measuring the vibratory rate of the consultant (level of energy). This will serve as a reference between the beginning and the end of the treatment.
Using the pendulum, each chakra is checked.
Then using my hands, the first layers of the aura are evaluated (texture, sensations). After evaluating the layers of the aura and checking the chakras, using my hands or the pendulum, I harmonize the aura.
According to the information received by the therapist, he may have to use stones to release memories or blockages.
At the end of the treatment, I again measure the vibratory rate of the consultant.
The care ends with a time of exchange between the consultant and the therapist on the information received during the care and the feelings of the consultant.
I indicate to the person, the possible sensations after the care.
Auric healing can also be performed remotely.
Harde: Overall session about 1h30
Indicative price:55 €
Unemployed person : 50€
Number of session(s):1 to 2
Frequency:If necessary, 1 other session at 3 week intervals
Choisir RUBRIQUE :
Soins énergétiques et spécifiques
What is Aura Healing?
This treatment aims to cleanse, purify and re-harmonize the Auras, which are the protective envelopes protecting the physical body from all pollution whatsoever,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ de toutes agressions, attaques, vampirismes énergétiques, intrusions, charges. .
Auric care repairs the general structure of the aura while allowing a much better circulation of your vital energy. It focuses as much on your emotional, mental and physical subtle bodies and also seeks to repair energy leaks, small blockages and traumas that can generate disturbances and dysfunctions in your different chakras.
Benefits of Aura Healing:
During the session, there may be:
Cleansing and releasing the Chakras,
Connection to a deceased soul and transmission of the message,
Cleaning andrelease of emotional memories,
Possible reconnection to its magnetism,
Harmonization of Aura, Body and Spirit,
Transmutation of memories of this life and other lives.
The session also allows you to receive information, care, releases and transformations and to experience feelings, channel information by yourself.
Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE
The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...
Recourse to the care of a holistic therapist should not, under any circumstances, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if an improvement is observed during or after the accompaniment. As such, I am declared and respect a certain code of ethics: I respect professional secrecy.
I do not formulate a diagnosis, do not interrupt any treatment and do not oppose any surgical operation.
I am and I remain a free electron, I do not belong to any religious or sectarian movement.
I respect everyone's traditions and beliefs. Notify me in advance of any medical contraindications.
Many expect the practice of magnetism as the saviour! The magnetizer is not WIZARD. Magnetism is an aid, an accompaniment, a sharing and a rebalancing of energy, so that its clients can accomplish themselves. Success depends above all on you.
A holistic therapist is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist
Magnetism is only a complement to traditional medicine and should in no way replace it. The client must consult his doctor and follow his medical treatment.
No obligation of result, but we are committed to doing our best to help you.
No credit, and no refunds will be given. The client is responsible for his decision to contact me and accepts the warnings andthe general conditions.