The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The animal is also, like the human, an inseparable whole. It may happen, in the same way as for us, that your oryour animals need rebalancing, openness, energy adjustment or simply a deep cleaning to relieve them of useless, binding or harmful energies for them in order to restore peace, balance, harmony, tranquility, serenity, etc.
The animal as a being is not limited only to the physical. It is also the mental, the nervous, the psychic, the psychological, the social, the family, the karmic, the energetic, the emotional...
In these domains, they are very close to us, and finally isn't the human species a branch of the animal kingdom? Evolved certainly... Although! The human being very often proves to us the contrary, alas.
Let us never lose sight of the fact that animals in general, ours in particular, are emotional sponges towards us and like any saturation sponge, it needs to be wrung out regularly; if you capture the image. We do it for ourselves, our spouses, our parents, our children, so why wouldn't we do it for them? Many people say their pet is a member of the family.
Rebalance, energetically reharmonize animals, their humans and their places of life in order to bring a general well-being.
Global action on the physical, psychic, nervous, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels. (animals also have their spirituality)
Work on a particular point of an energetic, physical, mental, emotional or other order, specific to the animal or common to the animal and its human.
Reduce anxiety, stress, fears, behavioral disorders, provide preoperative assistance, accelerate postoperative recovery, relieve symptoms of the disease and contribute to the comfort of the animal's life by soothing its physical and psychological suffering.
For the well-being of elderly animals, in prevention for animals in fragile health, for the strengthening of the immune system, for a soothing action on the affective and emotional levels with a reduction in behavioral, relational and emotional disorders.
Accompany an animal at the end of its life to ensure a smooth transition, in love and serenity.
Each animal, each session, each case is unique.

Energy treatments can provide rapid relief, depending on the state of the animal at the start.
For a simple case, one or two sessions may be enough.
For a more delicate or chronic condition, several sessions will be necessary; the first quite close together, the following ones spaced out in time.
Remote work is the same as face-to-face work; energy having no constraint of place, space and time. I will notify you by email or text of the start and end time of the session.
As far as possible, it is preferable that you are close to your animal during the session intended for him, but I easily understand that this is not always possible. This does not change the quality of the care provided, but your presence can be reassuring. Animals are hyper sensitive, very receptive to energy and know it is good for them but can be worried about vibrational changes during treatment.
It may happen for certain cases requiring itto move. For this,Contact me.
Which animal is affected by energy healing?
pets and domestic animals,
Sports and leisure animals,
Farm animals, livestock, parks and zoos.

How is the treatment carried out?
The sessions, even remotely, take place by appointment for organizational and planning issues.On the other hand, it lets you know when and at what time work is scheduled for your pet.
Unless otherwise required,the animal energy care session is done REMOTELYon photo and takes place in two stages:
As far as possible, the first remote care will take place in your presence with two photos of your animal. One in its entirety and the second in close-up full face where we see very clearly his open eyes. On the other hand, you will bring me an object belonging to him (doudou, toy, necklace, etc.). This treatment lasts approximately 1 hour. (1h15 for large animals).
For the following treatments in the continuity of the first, your presence will not be essential but possible if you wish. These treatments last 30 to 40 minutes. (45 min to 1 hour for large animals).
If visit, travel for animal over
35 kg - max 40 km A/R - travel expenses based on mileage
Duration and number of sessions on a case-by-case basis.
Indicative price:
32€ per consultation (about 30 mins)
From €50 per home visit (duration approximately 1 hour - price depending on the number of km*)
*Out of office :
The mileage costs are included within a perimeter of 15 kilometers around my practice. Above :
16km to 29km, add 15€.
Between 30 km and 50 km, add €35.
Beyond that, ask for a quote.
Calculated from Vouneuil Sur Vienne to the meeting point (Go/Return).
An estimate will be sent to you for prior agreement to be returned to me dated and signed.
Do you want information?
Feel free to Contact me.

Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE
The use of energy treatments and techniques can in no way exempt you from consulting your veterinarian; indeed, he alone has the authority to make a diagnosis; prescribe or withhold treatment for your animal.
These techniques are complementary to treatmentsveterinary, they do not replace them in any way. It is my duty to direct you to theveterinary Medicinetraditional treatment if the case submitted requires it, and under no circumstances will I ask you to interrupt a treatment in progress.