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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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1 day

Opening hours: 9 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2 p.m./5.30 p.m.


Regain control over your mind




course booklet



Particular :

  • Employee: 90€

  • Unemployed & retired: €80

Company: 250€ / day

Practical information

Registration required

Average duration: 7h

Number of seats: 8

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Take back control of your mind, learn to free yourself from its grip! Unlock all your unconscious blockages to flourish and fulfill yourself.

The key: self-confidence, self-esteem, openness to oneself and to others.

  • Understand and define what the mind is.

  • Learn to recognize the tools of your mind (fears, limiting beliefs, blocking thoughts, control, stagnation and fear of change, self-judgment and others, etc.).

  • Learn to use the techniques of freeing your mind on a daily basis.

  • Understand the link between your mind and your personal development.


The mind represents all of your thoughts, emotions, relationship patterns and functionings that are frozen in fear and negative energies. It is the source of your certainties, your judgments, your blocking doubts and your ideas.

You may feel completely stuck in your mind and feel like you can't get out.

The mind is part of you, so the goal is not to deny it or repress it completely, but to learn to control it. The objective of this training is to learn to listen to your mind when it emits an alert and not when it messes you up.

The mind imposes energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual barriers and limits.


When it is too present, it takes over your intuition, which is an essential ally in your daily life.

Doubts, fears, limiting beliefs, obligations, duties, fear of the future, lack of self-confidence, lack of self-esteem are all results of a controlling mind.

This training allows you to free yourself from your mind, to learn techniques to transform your negative thoughts into more positive thoughts.

It allows you to transform your mind into a more efficient, positive and healthy tool for you. This training is essential if you want to open yourself to spirituality.

Ready to regain the freedom of your thoughts?

Mandatory registrations

To register, simply complete the registration form.contacttelling me:

  • your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and possibly the date of the internship that interests you.


Within 48 hours (excluding weekends), I will contact you by phone to discuss with you.

After this exchange and validation, I will ask you to send me a deposit payment. The amount varies depending on the amount of training.

The dayJof the internship, you will pay me the rest due on the training (cheque, cash, transfer.

You also have the possibility of paying in 2 or 3 instalments, in this case I thank you for specifying it to me in your message of request for registration.

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