The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

These workshops and trainings aim to make you benefit from the
energy powers of stones in all areas of life.
It's up to you to use these formations for learn the meaning and use of crystals in lithotherapy.

Several levels
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Lithotherapy is a gentle medicine with no side effects. It uses the energy of stones and crystals to rebalance or harmonize the body, both physically and mentally. Each stone has its properties. Some stones have stimulating properties, others are rather calming and still others offer protective energies. If you are sensitive to energies, if you are interested in stones and their properties, this training is for you.
Getting started withlithotherapyfor you and your loved ones.
Concerned public :Beginner
Number of people :
Duration :2h30
Tarif :
Individual: 30 €
Funded by organization or company: €60
Lithotherapyis a tool for well-being and personal development which consists of healing with crystals or stones.
Lithotherapy can be a valuable tool for everyday life, it helps support the individual in achieving their goals.
In this "discovery" workshop, you will discover the different methods of using stones and crystals, followed by a time for your personal questions.
September 2022
Important training information
Whether your goal is to provide care to your loved ones or you plan to one day set up as a therapist, this training is the necessary basis to develop your skills, then apply it in the practice of care.
The results in the development of your abilities will be proportional to the efforts made and your regularity over time.
Attention !
This program is aimed at people who both have a taste for learning (and therefore an open mind) and who are not afraid to invest their energy and have a taste for effort.
I'd rather you think twice if...
Looking for a magic solution or a ready-made recipe,
You have strong ideas about what this training should or should not be,
You like to do what I call "spiritual tourism"...
Awaken the therapist within you...

Are you an energy healing professional? Do you want to integrate lithotherapy into your daily care practice? Come and follow level 1 lithotherapy advisor, then practitioner and master practitioner in lithotherapy. After following the basic initiation, complete your basic training with these two advanced levels.
1 day training
In this 1-day training, you will learn the basics of lithotherapy.
This training is open to everyone, everywhere in France. Whether you are curious to discover the potential of lithotherapy or whether you plan to make it your new path, or whether you are a therapist in another specialty, and wish to be able to bring more to your patients with stones and minerals._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Level 1
Concerned public :Beginner
Number of people :
Duration : 7h
Individual: 85€
Funded by organization or company: €190
You are "amateur", individual, and you still want to deepen your knowledge in the field of lithotherapy, after the initiation module? You can follow level 2, practitioner in lithotherapy!
2 day training
In this 2-day training, you will learn the basics of lithotherapy.
This training is open to everyone, everywhere in France. Whether you are curious to discover the potential of lithotherapy or whether you plan to make it your new path, or whether you are a therapist in another specialty, and wish to be able to bring more to your patients with stones and minerals._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Level 2
Concerned public :
For all
Prerequisites :
Have achieved level 1
Number of people :
Duration : 14h
Rate :
Individual: 160 €
Funded by organization or company: €350
Do you want to go even further in the discovery and practice of lithotherapy? Discover two additional levels, level 3 Master practitioner, accessible to individuals and professionals and level 4 expert master practitioner, reserved for people wishing to integrate a new care practice into their daily professional life.
Level 3
3 day training
In this 3-day training, you will learn the basics of lithotherapy.
This training is open to everyone, everywhere in France. You are a therapist in another specialty, and want to be able to bring more to your patients with stones and minerals.
Concerned public :
Prerequisites :
Have achieved level 1 and 2
Number of people :
Duration : 21h
Rate :
Individual: 240 €
Funded by organization or company: €520
Level 4
Complete coursegrouping levels 1 to 3
Formation of
In this training over approximately 12 days, you will learn the basics of lithotherapy.
This training is open to everyone, everywhere in France. Whether you are curious to discover the potential of lithotherapy or whether you plan to make it your new path, or whether you are a therapist in another specialty, and wish to be able to bring more to your patients with stones and minerals._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The big families
Formation of minerals
The colors of minerals
stones and chakras
Energy bodies
How to choose your stones?
How to maintain them?
Stones to start
Concerned public :
For all
Prerequisites :
Number of people :
Duration : + 80h

ATELIER Découverte de la lithothérapie

FORMATION - Initiation à la lithothérapie

Mandatory registrations
To register, simply complete this contact form below specifying:
your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and possibly the date of the internship that interests you.
Within 48 hours (excluding weekends), I will contact you by phone to discuss with you.
After this exchange and validation, I will ask you to send me a deposit payment of 45 euros.
The dayJof the internship, you will pay me the rest due on the training (cheque, cash, transfer.
You also have the possibility of paying in 2 or 3 instalments, in this case I thank you for specifying it to me in your message of request for registration.
Terms of cancelation
Your cancellation request must be made in writing: email or post.
In case of cancellation by you:
more than 21 strict days before the training date, you will be fully refunded.
less than 21 days before the date of the training, your deposit payment is kept and will be cashed (if a person registers after your withdrawal, your deposit will not be cashed).
Important Info "COVID-19"
Training is maintained, even during confinement. An invitation will be sent to you by email when you make your reservation, and you will have to tick the box:
Travel between home or place of work, or education or training.
I inform you that during the training offered, the protocols and barrier gestures remain in force for your safety.