The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

"Discovery" workshop
Concerned public :Beginner
Duration :3 a.m.
Rate :
Individual: €30/person
Funded by organization or company: €60
Number of persons :Max 6
The pendulum is undoubtedly the most used tool, by the greatest number, and as much by professionals as by individuals.
In this module, you will learn how to use your pendulum in a fun and simple way:
You don't know which pendulum to choose?
You have just bought a dowsing pendulum, but you don't know how to use it?
Do you have trouble interpreting the movements of your pendulum or have trouble making it move?
Not sure how to ask your pendulum questions?
Would you like to know how to purify your pendulum?
Do you feel that your pendulum's answers are wrong?
Remember to bring your clock, if you have one. Otherwise, I have many pendulums for the exercises, and there will also be some for sale.

In person
2022 back-to-school calendar in progress

"Discovery of dowsing"
Concerned public :Beginner
Access :24/7
Duration :unlimited
Price: 32 €instead of 55€
> an online training of 5 modules with videos and course materials
> my support throughout your journey
> a private group to discuss
> a training follow-up certificate
Training"Discovery of dowsing"online are aimed at all people who wish to use the pendulum on a daily basis.
You will learn to practice withconcrete exercisesand ondowsing boards used by professionals.
You already practice the pendulum or take your first steps in dowsing?
You already master the subject, but you lack a common thread, a solid structure to be more efficient?
Maybe you are totally new to it or you started, tested for a while, then put your clock away in a drawer, because you were disappointed with the answers it gave you?
This training program for the discovery of dowsing and the pendulum is based on a simple principle: pragmatism, method, clear demonstrations and all the essential educational material including + 45 dowsing dials.
This training is for you :
You want to discover dowsing and the art of pendulum
You always wanted to know how to use this tool, but you don't know how to do it
You don't know which pendulum to choose
You don't know how to program a pendulum, or how to ask the questions to get real answers.
Gives you access to a private online space that is accessible for life.
You will find all the dials necessary for your practice.
5 modules with videos, which explain theory and practice step by step
I remain at your disposal for any questions
A live is planned in group in this session;

Mandatory registrations
To register, simply complete the registration form.contacttelling me:
your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and possibly the date of the internship that interests you.
Within 48 hours (excluding weekends), I will contact you by phone to discuss with you.
After this exchange and validation, I will ask you to send me a deposit payment. The amount varies depending on the amount of training.
The dayJof the internship, you will pay me the rest due on the training (cheque, cash, transfer.
You also have the possibility of paying in 2 or 3 instalments, in this case I thank you for specifying it to me in your message of request for registration.