The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
I created this site in order to offer my services and help to as many people as possible.
If you are reading this, you are certainly ready to take charge of the problems you or a loved one are having.
You will discover the differentproposed services, myjourney, as well as many informationand theblog.
If you would like further information, do not hesitate to leave me amessage.
We will take the time to see together what you are looking for. We will see together what your goals are and we will be able to adapt the therapy to help you.
Hope to meet you soon. For an appointment, clickHERE
Since 2000, Catherine covers all types of therapies foradults, children, babies, animals, for a rebalancing between body and mind by
- a general relaxation,
- revitalization of the body,
- relaxation of the joints,
- treatment of body aches,
- an elimination of toxins,
- an emotional release,
- an energetic cleansing,
- a understanding and problem solving,
- etc.
In order to intervene with optimum efficiency, I only take3 to 4 appointments per day, as the case may be, in order to have sufficient energy to unblock your ailments, whether they are physical, energetic, emotional...
Workshops & training
In parallel with my activity as a therapist, I also regularly organize workshops, training courses, in order to make my practice better known: to discover the healing power that lies dormant in everyone and, with very simple techniques. .
Natural stone jewelry
I also make jewelry in natural stones: necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings, bag jewelry... on elastic,stainless steel,on a silver-plated chain, in stone beads, but also in Swarowski crystals...
Motifs de consultations
Votre praticienne holistique, vous accueille dans son cabinet à Vouneuil-sur-Vienne pour soigner de nombreux maux, mais également à distance et pour certaines prestations se déplace à domicile.
Depuis + 23 ans, votre praticienne vous accompagne lors de prestations & soins avec des compétences en

Purification énergétiques des lieux de vie, de bureaux, entreprises, etc.
Vies antérieures,
Communiquer avec ses guides, défunts
Vie in utéro...

Passage d'âmes

Barreur de feu,

Tirage de cartes, médiumnité
Si vous souhaitez des renseignements complémentaires, n'hésitez pas à me laisser un message.
Nous prendrons le temps de voir ensemble ce que vous recherchez. Nous verrons ensemble quels sont vos objectifs et nous pourrons ainsi adapter la thérapie afin de vous aider.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer prochainement. Pour un RDV, cliquer ICI
"And if your energies circulated better in your body,
how much your life and your body
would they be lighter?
The care of a therapistholistic should in no way replace medical treatment.

AMATEUR OU PHOBIQUE ? Les chats s'invitent en mon cabinet.
Si vous ne désirez pas qu'ils viennent, ou qu'ils interviennent lors des soins, Dites-le moi.
Ainsi, l'accès au cabinet leur sera interdit ou non, durant votre séance.

Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE
The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...
Recourse to the care of a holistic therapist should not, under any circumstances, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if an improvement is observed during or after the accompaniment. As such, I am declared and respect a certain code of ethics: I respect professional secrecy.
I do not formulate a diagnosis, do not interrupt any treatment and do not oppose any surgical operation.
I am and I remain a free electron, I do not belong to any religious or sectarian movement.
I respect everyone's traditions and beliefs. Notify me in advance of any medical contraindications.
Many are waiting for the practice of magnetism like le Saviour ! I am notnot MAGICIAN. Magnetism is an aid, an accompaniment, a sharing and a rebalancing of energy, so that its clients can be fulfilled. Success depends above all on you.
A holistic therapist is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist
Magnetism is only a complement to traditional medicine and should in no way replace it. The client must consult his doctor and follow his medical treatment.
No obligation of result, but we are committed to doing our best to help you.
No credit, and no refunds will be given. The client is responsible for his decision to contact me and accepts the warnings andthe general conditions.