The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

1 day
Opening hours: 9 a.m./12.30 p.m. - 2 p.m./5.30 p.m.
Know how to anchor
Know how to center
Discover how to protect and clean myself energetically
course booklet
Particular :
Employee: 90€
Unemployed & retired: €80
Funded by organization, Company:
250€ / day
Practical information
Registration required
Average duration: 7h
Number of seats: 8
Plan a midday meal
Snack offered
Learn to practice grounding for better concentration, better memory and greater balance. Discover how to fully live the present moment and how to make its benefits last over time... by protecting yourself and cleansing yourself from harmful influences! Today, you have the impression of undergoing your emotions and of absorbing the negative energies which surround you? Tomorrow, you will know how to keep only the best, for you and/or your children.
Understand what anchoring is and what it brings to everyday life.
Knowing how to define your own center of gravity and understanding the differences in balance between men and women.
Knowing how to anchor and center yourself as best you can and knowing how to adapt according to the situation.
Know how to recognize when you are totally grounded and centered and understand the benefits of this.
Learn to fight against anxiety, dizziness, loss of balance, certain pathologies (particularly related to sleep), head in the fog or in the clouds or even stress through the various techniques offered.
Understand Yin and Yang and determine where you are between these two energies.
Afternoon :
Learn to manage your emotional surplus.
Understand the importance of good protection.
Know how to make a good protective bubble for you and your children.
Learn to use the body pendulum.
Understand why and how to protect yourself from negative external influences and your harmful thoughts.
Being able to detach yourself emotionally and quickly from a situation.
Knowing how to free yourself from certain bodily pains.
We all tend to focus our attention on the outside (the environment, the gaze of others) rather than on ourselves.
By constantly thinking about 10,000 things at the same time, we get very tired when it comes to focusing on a single task.
We're so unused to being grounded, centered, and balanced in the present moment that it takes extra effort.
This training then allows you to learn the importance of a good anchoring and the usefulness of self-centering; to understand their strength and what they can bring you in your daily life.
For you, as for those around you, discover how to live and take full advantage of the present moment, get to know your own Yin and Yang balance and learn to use these techniques to counter your mental, stress, certain daily, physical and emotional difficulties. etc …
But that's not all ! In this training, you will also learn to know yourself better, to know your center of gravity, your capacities, your limits, where you are in your evolution and what you can still develop.
You will finally understand what type of anchoring and centering really corresponds to you and what this can indicate about your character and your primary needs.
On a daily basis, you are constantly confronted with multiple external influences, some of which are harmful to you...
Physical and emotional shocks, negative people, repeated medication, wifi, electronic devices, illnesses, other people's emotions and yours... Jealousy, meanness, betrayal, abandonment, denial, regret, anger, sadness, fears, anxiety, etc. are part of your daily life.
This training therefore allows you to learn – for yourself and for your children – to protect yourself from all these negative external influences and to keep only the best for yourself (and for them).
This training module is highly recommended for hypersensitive people in particular.It will allow you to understand how not to stagnate in unstable/negative emotions for you and to learn new techniques to avoid "suffering" in the future.
This training will teach you essential principles to keep your energy in all circumstances.
It is essential as soon as you awaken to the energetic world, for your personal development and in everyday life!
You will learn to feel your body differently and to develop other senses.
Mandatory registrations
To register, simply complete the registration form.contacttelling me:
your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and possibly the date of the internship that interests you.
Within 48 hours (excluding weekends), I will contact you by phone to discuss with you.
After this exchange and validation, I will ask you to send me a deposit payment. The amount varies depending on the amount of training.
The dayJof the internship, you will pay me the rest due on the training (cheque, cash, transfer.
You also have the possibility of paying in 2 or 3 instalments, in this case I thank you for specifying it to me in your message of request for registration.