The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.
My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

"Become an energy therapist"
Advance towards a new profession, with the training of energy therapist
For individuals and professionals
You are just beginning to approach energy and you wish to develop your senses and your tools of understanding.
We offer you a day of initiation to the energy world
In groups of 8 people maximum to adapt myself to the best and initiate you to feel and understand the energy that surrounds you.
The objective is to give you tools to develop your feelings, your intuition and the bases to get started in care, energy at all levels, chakras...
Training inEnergy Therapycomplete and certifying from 3 days to 24 months
Do you feel this energy, in you, which asks only to express itself?
Do you want to take care of your energy balance, that of your family, those around you?
Do you want to learn new treatment techniques or complete your own?
Do you want a real, complete and serious training and not a brief initiation?
If the answer is yes to several of these questions,
You are in the right place.
Restore the harmony of the body, promote the free flow of vital energy, effect on the emotional and the psyche.
3 days
i.e. 3 x 7h
For all
Individual: 270 €
Funded by organization or company: €560
8 people
The basics of energy
This training will introduce you to the world of energy. It will also allow you to master the basics of how energy therapies work, as well as treatment techniques.
Goals :
UNDERSTAND the energetic constitution of the human being.
KNOW the main energy centers (chakras).
KNOW HOW TO DETECT energy imbalances.
KNOW HOW TO REBALANCE the energy body.
KNOW how to focus, anchor and protect yourself.
MASTER an energy healing protocol.
A second module is available for people who have already followed the first and wish to deepen and go further in practice. Participation in the first module and a minimum of experience are required for this course.

Formation à la thérapie énergétique Niveau 1

Formation Thérapies énergétiques niveau 2

FORMATION Cursus complet (de niveau 1 à 4) "Devenir thérapeute en magnétisme énergétique
To register, simply complete this contact form below specifying:
your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail and possibly the date of the course that interests you.
Within 48 hours (excluding weekends), I will contact you by phone to discuss with you.
After this exchange and validation, I will ask you to send me a deposit payment. The amount varies depending on the training requested.
The dayJof the internship, you will pay me the rest due on the training (cheque, cash, transfer).
You also have the option of paying in 2 or 3 instalments. In this case, please let me know in your registration request message.